If you want to add a block to the WordPress block editor, you can use the data and blocks packages, like this:
//Create a paragrah block
const block = wp.blocks.createBlock(
'core/paragraph', { content: 'Hi Roy!' }
//Insert that block
wp.data.dispatch( 'core/block-editor' ).insertBlocks( block );
If you run that in the console of a WordPress block editor, that will insert a paragraph block. In a plugin’s JavaScript file, here is what it would look like with imports:
import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
import {createBlock} from '@wordpress/blocks';
import {dispatch} from '@wordpress/data';
//Wait untill page is loaded
domReady( function () {
//Create a paragrah block
const block = createBlock(
'core/paragraph', { content: 'Hi Roy!' }
//Insert that block
dispatch( 'core/block-editor' ).insertBlocks( block );
} );
Notice that I used the DOM Ready function to wait until the page loaded to dispatch. This will not work before then. You could bind this same function to a click handler or other event.