Josh Pollock
Using WordPress env For Docker-Based Local Development
I have been using Docker Compose for local development for years now. While I am comfortable writing or debugging a docker-compose.yml file, if I can avoid doing so, I will. Luckily, the WordPress open-source platform has a zero-config tool for Docker-based local development that is built on top of Docker Compose. If you run this…
New eBook & New Membership Plan
I self-published an eBook for experienced WordPress developers who want to improve their plugins, use new modern best practices and adopt test-driven development.
Using LangChain With NextJS 13
The latest version of NextJS, has a new way of handling routing — using the app directory and React Server Components. I’m still learning how it works, and last week they added support for Vercel, Cloudflare, and other runtimes. So I wanted to see how it works and figured I’d play with both at once.…
Want To Do AI Stuff? Don’t Want To Learn Python? Use Typescript!
Helpful Langchian TypeScript examples and a template repo.
Coding x GPT: Do We Even Need To Chat With Machines?
Like a lot of folks, I am super interested in AI, but also plenty fearful. Part of it is worrying about my future employment, and part of it is wondering how much longer all this code I learned about is going to matter. I’m a super nerd for this stuff. Before we got all obsessed…
Using The useEffect React Hook In WordPress
This post explains how to use the useEffect hook in WordPress.
Creating Reusable React Hooks For The WordPress Block Editor or Whatever
The new React documentation site is live and looks great. This section on creating custom hooks to encapsulate logic that needs to be used in multiple places in a React application is quite good. This is an important strategy to learn, and can help a lot when developing multiple blocks for a WordPress site. In…
How To Use WordPress Data Package To Get The Current Post Being Edited In The Post Editor
How to use the WordPress data module to get the current state of the post being editted in the WordPress block editor.
A WordPress Plugin That Uses AI To Suggest Text For Your Blog Post
I made a WordPress Plugin that uses GPT3 to help you write your blog post